Chakra Illumination
Clear and unblock a particular chakra using elements of the earth with breath and sound. This practice is most beneficial for helping one to become lighter or unstuck from a heavy emotion or feeling.
Cord Cutting
Remove an energetic tie with another. The practice of cord cutting helps to recover energy that has been lost or given away to another to re-establish healthy energetic boundaries.
Soul Journey/Shamanic Journey
Recover from trauma with this guided meditation by diving into the subconscious to reclaim or learn missing pieces of yourself.

Crystal Vacuuming
This process clears and cleanses the aura and/or the environment through the use of tools such as sage, crystals, and tuners. This is great for cleansing oneself after being in crowds, being around negative energy, or as a part of routine self care. Space cleansing is highly recommended for new homes and offices too.
Chakra Spiral Technique
Have all of the chakras aligned and charged with this technique using Shamanic tools to increase the communication between the chakras.
Chelation is a practice similar to reiki that focuses on calming the adrenals. It can reduce pain caused by inflammation and switch off the "fight or flight" mode which relieves anxiety.
Emotional Freedom Technique also known as tapping is a therapy that assists in creating a peaceful state of being that can relieve physical pain and emotional stress.